- Black LightWorkers Annual Rate
Black LightWorkers Annual Rate
Your Annual Payment gets you:
Access to our Membership of LightWorkers and Power Bringers
Listing in Our Online Directory
Placement in our Database for Referrals
Membership in Local and National and International Chapters
Access to post to the BLW Calendar — to post
An open invitation to Post a video description of your work/Lesson (and your Black LightWorker playlist!)
Downloadable Logo, Chants, Prayers, Spirituals
Access to the Inner Calendar of Relevant Human & Celestial activity
Access to twice monthly Virtual Connect w/Membership —— Training/Commune
Access to Monthly Bantaba: A Zoom meeting, consisting of: 10-minute Group Check-In & Song; A Cleansing for the Group; Announcements; Closing words/ceremony/benediction.
Access to our Video Library - Meditations, Lectures, Processes
Discounts on Merchandise/Services, including Discount pricing on work done on your behalf by fellow BLW members
Discounts on our Black LightWorkers Gathering, Vernal Equinox, 2021
Modality of the Month
Lit/Book Review
Access to our E-Book Library
Members’ Journey/Revelation— EACH MONTH: Feature a Member: What They Do; How They Discovered it; How’d they finally come to terms with it; Who your Market Is.